Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What do we do with the twins during school?

I've had a couple of people ask me what B2, and M2 do during the school day. Well, that is a question that I was faced with every morning last year, and we survived. This year, they are more active, a bit more mischievous, have learned to work as a team, and now how to push chairs to help them get what they want, break into the refrigerator, de-clothed themselves, and get into all sorts of trouble (yes they have even played with their poo!)
SO, what to do with the twins? The last 2 weeks of our 1st quarter of school I put together a schedule, divided into 15 or 30 minute segments. Someone is always playing with the boys/ teaching them something/ or in some cases, helping them get into trouble. But it has worked for the most part, our days run smoother, and they are happy to have some attention. Here is a little bit of how the rotation works:

1st rotation of the day:
H4 works on preschool/ K activities

A7 does reading in his room, then comes to the classroom to do his math (these activities he does independently except occasionally having a math problem)

B5 takes her turn with the little ones - she works puzzles with them, colors with them, and usually takes them on a walk around the house looking for things that are our "color of the day"

Now onto rotation 2 which usually takes place at 8:30 AM:

A7 has computer time - typing class or jumpstart 2nd grade or reader rabbit 2nd grade

B5 works with me in the classroom and usually knocks out about half of her work at this time

H4 is in charge of the little ones right now. She goes over colors/ shapes with them. And I usually have an activity for all 3 of them to do that is from the wonderfully wise momma that created tot school:
Tot School

More blogging on those activities soon to come

After the first 2 rotations of the day It's then H3's turn on the computer, B5 and A7 get a little bit of free play, and I read to B2, and M2. This is a 15 minute slot on our schedule. After this the twins take play independently in their rooms for 30 minutes while the other 3 and I knock out history, and then science for the day if there is time. Then one more rotation with A6 doing school work, B5 on the computer, and H3 and the twins watching a learning video from the "prep for preschool" series. Then we all go to the kitchen table - the boys get playdoh, or blocks, or cars to play with while the kiddos and I finish up science or history for the day. Then LUNCH, and off to nap for B2 and M2, and during that time the older ones and I finish up our school day! It's worked well for about 4 weeks now. It doesn't mean they don't wonder away from their "sitter" or get into fights here and there, however it's structure, and a schedule, and gets our work done for the day, and if the academics get done, the chores complete, and the house hasn't burned down in the process, we consider it a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha! We had a 'playing with poo' incident with Lily last schoolyear that I'm seriously hoping we don't ever repeat. :o)

    Great blog! Keep it up!!
