Friday, June 22, 2012

Battle of Wills

I have a difficult child. I have MULTIPLE strong-willed children. However there is one child that makes a battle out of EVERYTHING. I honestly think if I told him to go get some ice cream out of the freezer to have a snack, that he would argue, backtalk, or fuss about what KIND of ice cream. I feel from the moment this child's feet hit the floor in the morning, to the second he falls asleep I am constantly engaged in a very extreme battle of wills. It has escelleated to this child yelling at me, growling at me, and yes...I've even had a fist raised at me. I'm not over-exagerating either...the battle is with EVERYTHING. So what does a mom do? How can we help with the disobedience, and the arguing? One Faithful Mom has put it in words so much better than I ever could. Head on over to her page and check out her thoughts on these issues in her post: Just Be The Mom

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you a sweetheart!! Thank you for the link. I hope to hop around here and take a peek at your blog! And if I can ever be of help or encouragement to you, please let me know!
