So here it is: This is the view from our family room.
Here is our book corner.
Eventually I would love to put a bean bag here and maybe some more pillows, but for now, they enjoy looking through our library books that usually coordinate with our unit study.
This is A7's spot.
This is where H4 sits.
Here is B5's seat.
This is the shelf that holds all of my totschool items. As well as many cute preschool activities from Confessions of a Homeschooler It looks like a mess, but everything is in containers and labeled!
This is the computer corner
This book shelf holds mostly my stuff. The top shelf has guides/ master copies of things and our Math blocks. 2nd shelf has our 2010/2011 schoolbooks (excluding their daily books that are at their seats) 3rd row has various workbooks/ reading programs that we don't use everyday, just sometimes as supplemental work. 4th shelf has our chapter books and readers, as well as our children's encyclopedia's and dictionaries. The 5th shelf which you can't see has picture books on it.
Underneath the bar that the kiddos sit at, is a mumbled jumbled hodge podge of stuff. I store our art supplies/ puzzles/ binders/ curriculum I have picked up over the years, but not had a chance to use yet/ coloring stuff/ laminator/paper/ and our playdoh.
This is our daily schedule. Floor to ceiling. 30 minute increments for all 6 of us.
This last photo is of our Calendar poster. We go over several activities on this each day.
That's it. That's our schoolroom. It's where I spend half of my day! It's small, and super messy at times, but I get to create some remarkable memories with my sweet blessings in this room. So many moms are missing out on the joy of teaching their children at home. The sweet sense of accomplishment when you finally figure out your child's learning style. The tears of joy when they master that math problem that you just spent half an hour working on. The squeals of excitement from my 4 year old when she gets to start school for the day. Then there is the overwhelming sadness that comes over me when I stop at think, that one day they will all be gone. Those are the moments that remind me to soak it all up while I can. They grow up in the blink of an eye!