Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Super Flawed, Not Super Mom

As a mother of 5, I get bombarded with all kinds of comments. Some welcomed and friendly, others are mumbled under the breath of bystanders as we parade into the grocery store, and then there are the downright ugly comments like "If I had that many kids I would shoot myself" (yes seriously said outloud to me, in front of my children). My grandmother often says things like "You are remarkable", or "I have the utmost respect for what you do". I feel very undeserving when comments like those come my way. Actually what I really feel is embarrassment. If those people only knew the truth.

I am not the super mom that is sometimes thought of me, or that I would like to be at times. I am a terrible sinner, extremely flawed and not deserving of the blessings God has chosen to give me. I'm not a "embrace the mess, and have fun" kind of mom. I get very uncomfortable when my children misbehave at church, or in public because fear sets in of what others will think of me as a parent. Flawed. Super Flawed. The statement "Your children know you best" terrifies me. The mom that I am when the 5th spill of the day occurs, or the muddy shoe prints come running through on the freshly mopped floor is not the mom that I want my children to remember me as. How about you? Would you talk to your friends the way you talk to your children sometimes? What's going on when no one is looking?

I am flawed-terribly flawed. God is gracious - amazingly gracious! The hope, and the encouragment for the super flawed super mom- comes from our salvation in Christ. He alone can give us the strength and the endurance for a change. On those days that we have more than we can handle, and are quick to become angry, Christ can change our hearts! I am so thankful that God gives us second chances when we mess up. I pray that I take the time to learn from my heavenly Father how to me an earthly mother.

So if you ever find yourself looking at a family and thinking "They've got it all together" or "She's such a super mom", please remember that behind every smiling face you see, there is a home life. There are times when we yell, become angry, and have breakdowns. We don't always get the dishes done, our homes (especially homeschoolers) are messy, we are flawed sinners. There is no such things as "Super Mom"

Want to be the best mom you can be for the glory of God though? Remember God's sovereign grace! Oh how patient He was with the Israelites! How many times He has given us second chances! Our children deserve that. Remember to give grace. Remember to say that you are sorry when you've messed up. Remember they are children, and not mini adults. Rememer - they are flawed sinners - in need of Christ. Remember - you are their missionary, your home is your mission field, and you are the example of Christ that they have to see daily. Take joy and pride in your calling as a mother! Remember we are all super flawed, and that God is amazingly gracious!

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